Now its been a couple of weeks since I was last here, so get a coffee and a comfy chair because its a post of substantial, though not epic proportion.
Parsnip blowing out her candles |
Did I mention Kirsty 'Parsnip' Southwellski was 21 a couple of weeks back? No? I'm sure I did, or maybe it was just wishful thinking.
We had a brill day, Nanny Southwellski went shopping for the day with Parsnip Southwellski in Norwich; and Coco and I had to 'babysit' Little Nanny Mero and Uncle Luke. All in all they behaved very well and did what they were told most of the time. Coco and I made a chocolate birthday cake and put candles and icing flowers on top.
We decided that we would all go to Pedro's in Chapelfields, Norwich; a Mexican restaurant and a lovely time we had too.
Little Nanny Mero was very excited, 'Was Pedro really Mexican?' 'Could Pedro speak Spanish like Little Nany Mero?' 'Was Pedro in the kitchen at that very moment?' It was nearly too much!
Now we all know that moment when someone close to us is about to ask a question that we know can only end in embarrassment for one and all. Little Nany Mero's eyes widened as the hapless waitress wandered foolishly close to her, too close!
" Is Pedro working today?" The words were out, the question asked.
" There is no Pedro, it's owned by someone in Great Yarmouth" She replied.
One of two things
was going to happen, Little Nanny Mero, illusion shattered, was going to point out that if there was no Pedro it shouldn't be called 'Pedro's'. Or she was going to collapse into hysterical laughter.

It was ten minutes before she stopped laughing! Coco had finally mastered the art of sucking through a straw by the end.
Even Parsnip became affected/infected.
Now I know Mother In Laws get bad press but I really do have one in a million, we share jokes, books and an interest in world war two.

Kirsty had a lovely time she said, I know we did and it was good to see her laughing and with her family again. We love you Parsnip, very muchly.
Some of you will know that Nanny Southwellski and I run a business called ZFL (Zone For Learning, and yes HSBC we are one and the same you muppets!) where we teach among many other things such as how to assimilate a severed finger without actually doing so, magic tricks and Carpentry and Joinery and Decorating.
New visitors to our website will see that we now offer much more, go on have a look, I'll wait.
Ah good, you're back, Nanny Southwellski did a good job with the website didn't she? Just in time for the nice Ofsted man on Monday. Now the more observant of you will notice a new addition to the teaching team in the form of a handsome, suave (or is it swarthy?) dashing, silver-fox-type figure with the title of Horticulture tutor.
I said at the start of this blog it is not the place to visit should you want pearls of wisdom about all things green and growing,
You want gardening tips and advice, go check out Alan Titchmarsh's website or better still check out Cottage Smallholders blog. This is Fiona and Danny's blog. Nanny Southwellski got wind of a get together of some of the people who visit the blog and wangled an invitation for us to go along. Good move Nanny.
We visited an idyl
lic smallholding tucked away behind a beautiful cottage in a lovely village. The garden is filled with traditional plants; rhubarb big enough to build fences with or certainly make coshes from; hidden corners which secreted carvings and benches; and a bunch of genuinely lovely people!

Coco met some good people, which in my mind is fantastic. We are trying to avoid getting into the whole "every stranger is a danger" club. Yes of course we realise you have to be careful, but there is care and there is paranoia. If we are there with her and she is okay sitting with someone we feel okay about, where is the risk? Coco doesn't just rub noses with anyone but Paul(?) obviously had the right type of nose and clearly spoke her language fluently.
Now Nanny Southwellski will tell you that I am not the best at meeting people in new situations for the first time, but I felt right at home from the very start. I don't like going to clubs or gatherings of people who share the same interests as me in case they are the type of people who take the enjoyment out of it, or they know more than me.

Anyway, as usual, I digress, there was a spread of food fit for royalty; ample drink; and the best cup of tea outside of Nanny Southwellski's kitchen! There was fresh mackerel being filleted and smoked; smoked mushrooms; and roasted garlic which Coco had shredded by the time we got to the car. We all have a strong aroma of garlic so no hassle from vampires at Broadlands tonight.
Nanny Southwellski has been very busy in the kitchen of late and we now have jars of Cherry Jam; Cherries in Brandy; Cherries in Syrup; Gooseberry and Ginger Jam; Pickled Eggs; and Pickled Beetroot lining the shelves of our larder.
The Jams are to die for! It was our first attempt at preserving and all the jars sealed as they should, the colours are amazing and I can't wait for the bought stuff to be used up.
On the garden front everything is growing madly, especially the weeds. Who said weeds are just misplaced plants? Well fret no more my friend, I know where your 'misplaced plants' are so come and get them as soon as you like!
Carrots were the last to get the 'Coco Seal of Approval'.
This takes the form of every item of fruit and veg we harvest being stamped with four tiny teeth marks. 'If it ain't been ate it don't reach the plate!'
We have about 12 pumpkins developing nicely at the moment and more are expected.
Talking of expecting we thought we had our first broody hen a couple of days ago; not any more, it seems she just thought the nest box was a bit lumpy.
Anyway, before I go just a little phrase for someone in particular.
'The eyes are the window to your soul. Not only have you opened your windows, you have taken down the nets and the curtains and the locals are staring in!'
Once again, thank you to everyone at the Cottage Smallholder gathering for making us so welcome.
Sorry I didn't get to chat to you yesterday - yes, we were there at the party too and yes it was fab!
Good luck with the garden and all your projects.
PS My uncle was the milkman in and around Feltwell - I have lots of happy childhood memories of eating cream cakes in Feltwell!
So lovely to meet you, and meet a kindred spirit (ahem lottery !) I will be wearing sunglasses henceforth. We would love to show Coco, and yourselves of course the horses and the rest of our menagerie. K and S
It was lovely to meet everyone yesterday, I think we will be meeting again in the very near future.
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